Rummy is a game that combines smartness, talent and what not- Rummy is more than just another card game!
Yes, and why not. Life is 50% Strategy 10 % Intelligence and rest wit-skill (5–3) anyone can tell you the skill, but it takes life to give us a truly insightful answer. A great lesson rummy can teach you is life. Life is a tricky affair and so it the game of Rummy. How would that journey be worth is experiences and lessons out of it. Nothing that surprising: Just try to collect the cards with high point and remove unwanted ones for example in this case. So in real life, it’s a give and take — you keep what is yours to hold (and some things that are of true value), while releasing the stuff that adds no joy.
First one of the example! The following are a few life LEARNING you should take heed of:
Focus: Clutter is a sign of confusion, distraction or disturbance. As and when you go about the cards, that is called sieving your cards on a colour or suit basis. Actually, you prioritize by hand that needs to be dealt first and then plan around accordingly. It is not the cards but rummy that teaches you prioritizing your tasks and situations right, everything else follows.
Patience wins! As well, none other than Rummy teaches the value of this virtue so carefully! Competitive world of today where the only slogan is ‘instant’. The quick-fix mindset: You are a failure if don’t see results immediately. Right? Wrong. It is rather sitting back and waiting for the opportune moment to display your talent much like how players wait before declaring their cards in rummy. Such is life. Things like rationale and good decisions come with patience.
Best time you learn not to expect and how! – Rummy is after all a game, and you would not earn every time when you play. You would feel so much better if you went in with no expectations and played it as entertainment. Life is never static — every situation (or game) is a learning. Keep the lessons coming!
Adaptability – Rummy teaches you this You must have heard a million times — ‘Change is the only constant’ oh yeah, well there it goes. While your strategy is with which you start the game, hence from there to every opponent move requires new strategies. And if that doesn’t sound like life in a nut shell, we don’t know what does. That is your alter ego speaking and not us, adapt or lose.
Don’t be a hoarder – The game is designed this way, you must discard or it’s all over! So, the richness of Rummy knows no bounds and as far as lessons in life go you can trace back some roots to those lessons. Anyway, in order to become the winner of a game one should be the first to finish it. For that to happen, numbers have to come down to zero. That occurs when a participant throws away sturdy cards. You should always lose in a way that wins fewer points. What you free yourself from is actually releasing and pouring more life into. Thank us later!
We could go on forever about persistence, focus, respect and whatnot but there you have it: life lessons! Play either free games just to practice or enter into a with entry fee, cash prizes tournament of online rummy and think the way I do about this game! Will you?